Linux In Its Own Window

In case running Linux in a separate virtual terminal was a tad bit burdensome, Crouton has been updated to run chroots in windowed mode, as shown in the image above. This functionality requires the Crouton Integration extension from the Chrome Store.

Upgrade an Existing Chroot

To enable an existing chroot for windowing, first download the newest version of Crouton, if you don't already have the crouton installer. Next, open the crosh shell (Ctrl+Alt+T) and type 'shell' to get a shell prompt. From there, run an update for crouton, specifying your existing chroot:

sudo sh ~/Downloads/crouton -u -t xiwi -n [name of your chroot]

Once the upgrade is completed, start up the chroot. The chroot will start in full-screen mode as usual. You should see a link to exit full screen mode, otherwise move the mouse pointer to the top of the screen and the link will appear. Clicking on it will put the chroot into a window. This allows copy/pasting to and from the chroot and you can remove any web browsers from the chroot to minimize its disk size.
