Recovering Borked Catalyst 3560 Firmware
- connect to the switch via console cable, run minicom or other terminal emulator
- unplug power from switch
- hold mode button, replug power, hold mode until SYST light stops flashing
- at switch prompt, type flash_init
- type load_helper
- show flash contents by typing dir flash:
- if necessary, delete vlan.dat and config.text by typing delete flash:vlan.dat and delete flash:config.text
- use xmodem to transfer the new firmware to the switch: copy xmodem: flash:[name of firmware]
- when transfer is complete, boot new firmware: boot flash:[name of firmware]
- when the switch is fully booted, verify the loaded firmware: show boot
- configure the switch to always boot from new firmware: boot system flash:[name of firmware]
- save config: write memory
- reload switch: reload